There are many ways to be more efficient when it comes to Brother Toner ink. Unfortunately, nature planned that every time you print something… well, you use ink. Yup, that’s the way things go. But, there are many steps you can take in order to cut back on that ink usage – first and best – think before you hit print.
Here’s another good one – print only what’s necessary. This one is especially important when printing web pages. You probably know that when you press print in your browser, just to print an email or a hotel reservation, instead of the conformation number you get a scroll filled with commercials and text that you don’t really need. So next time, don’t press print in your browser. Just copy the important stuff and paste into a Word document. That way you’ll end up saving ink, and saving some trees as well.
It’s also good to remember to go black and white. When you don’t need colors, just select B&W or Grayscale in your printer’s options and save on that color ink for times when you need to print an eye-catching presentation or graphics.
For more info, and for genuine Brother Toners, visit us online at!
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